Monday, April 4, 2011

To My Dear Sister.

Dear Lala:

    If you can be a person in your next life. I hope you can read it very carefully, because here are something that I really want you to know.
    First, sorry for that I leave you away to go to the Canada, we only have been together for 1 year, maybe I don't know you yet, maybe you also don't know me yet, but thanks for your that 1 year, you make me very happy and I have lots of memories about us. Eventhough you pee or poo in my home everywhere at the beginning(......) but also thanks for you study how to pee and poo in the washroom.
   Next, thank you to make my parents to be happy. Because I left home, so you are going to be their second daughter! You make them not very lonely, you give them too much fun, you are not same as me, can sometimes make them angry, but you are not, so thank you for take care of our parents!
   Last, I maybe I only can stay with you once a year but please forgive me, I miss you very very much, you are a good girl, everyone loves you when you going out, remember? yeah, you have lots of things I have to learn from you, such as don't give up (when you ask food), don't be angry very easier and also keeping happy all the time.
  You are a family member now, we love you and I know you love us also, maybe in my next life I am a dog and you are my "older sister", we'll be very good, will us?


My favorite pome


        轻轻的我走了, 正如我轻轻的来;
  我轻轻的招手, 作别西天的云彩。
  那河畔的金柳, 是夕阳中的新娘;
  波光里的滟影, 在我的心头荡漾。
  软泥上的青荇, 油油的在水底招摇;
  在康河的柔波里, 我甘心做一条水草。
  那榆荫下的一潭, 不是清泉,是天上虹;
  揉碎在浮藻间, 沉淀着彩虹似的梦。
  寻梦?撑一支长篙, 向青草更青处漫溯;
  满载一船星辉, 在星辉斑斓里放歌。
  但我不能放歌, 悄悄是别离的笙箫;
  夏虫也为我沉默, 沉默是今晚的康桥!
  悄悄的我走了, 正如我悄悄的来;
  我挥一挥衣袖, 不带走一片云彩。
    This is my favorite poem I have been read. This is a modern poem, and this poem everyone chinese might
be known, eventhough some people from another country also know about it. So I really want to introduce this beautiful poem for you guys!
    This poem's title is about the author leave a bridge but  is talk about in our life, we usually don't want to leave something and sometimes we have to leave these things. Also is talk about to find dream. In my oppinions, these are three reasons that I think this poem is very great. For example, the first thing is at the beginning of the poem, from this sentence I can know that the author is really don't want leave something from his life.
     "Very quietly I take my leave , As quietly as I came here; Quietly I wave good-bye, To the rosy clouds in the western sky. "
     "very quietly to leave" shows the author maybe don't want to disturb someone and "quietly wave good-bye" shows he is very gentle and soft. " the rosy clouds in the western sky" is a beautiful to describe about the scenery so make this beginning perfect.

     Then he want to tell us about how he look forward to freedom.
     "软泥上的青荇, 油油的在水底招摇; 在康河的柔波里, 我甘心做一条水草。"
     "The floating heart growing the sludge, Sways leisurely under the water; In the gentle waves of Cambridge, I would be a water plant! "
     I am really want you to be attention to the last sentence "I would be a water plant!". In this world we can wish us to be whatever we want, maybe something really strong or something really fun, but he wants to be a water plant. What plant is not some important things but this plant is very free, do whatever its want.

    Finally, and I think this is the important part, it tell us about dream.
   "寻梦?撑一支长篙, 向青草更青处漫溯; 满载一船星辉, 在星辉斑斓里放歌。"
   "To seek a dream? Just to pole a boat upstream ,To where the green grass is more verdant ,Or to have the boat fully loaded with starlight ,and sing aloud in the splendor of starlight."
    Did you see these beautiful sentence? It's wonderful. The author want to find a dream so he go and find, he find a lot of dreams and these dreams filled his life, also he feel the life is very beautiful.

    In this poem I have learned a lot, for don't want to leave, everyone have been this, for freedom, everyone want it and so many people find it use their whole life, and last for dream, everyone have some dreams and we can know that have a dream better than no dream, because it makes you hardwork and try to do your best, so you have the best gift in the world.


Monday, March 7, 2011

The Bucket List

    The Bucket List is a very good movie that I want to introduce to tou guys.
    I hope everyone can watch this movie, because I have learned lots of things in the movie.
    Because the movie is only the background for the topic, so I wouldn't tell you what is this movie's content.
    Sorry about that!~ XD
    I want to have my own bucket list, it's different from the post that I have been posted "Before I died"
    I am going to really achieve these things and these things are more real and more excited.
   The bucket list.
 1. Use any way that can see the ghost.
 2. Go to the Sahara Desert.
 3. Traveling around the world.
 4. Drive the plane by myself.
 5. Learning how to use a gun.
 6. Have my own coffee shop.
 7. Have a family

 I am going to really achieve these things before I died, so good luck for me~ :-D


The things you don't know.

    I am Lily, this imformation is too familar to you guys.
    I am enjoy my life, eventhough I have heart disease.
    I am 17 years old now. So this disease is following me 17 years.
    I  love my parents very much, eventhough they are only stay with me three years.
    Before 12 years old, I was living with my grandparenrts, the reason why they take care of me because
of my parents are too busy, they can  not have much time to take care of me.
    I only have been seen them 3 times before I 12 years old. I can understand them, I know that I have parents and they love me, they need time to achieve their bessiness. Maybe because of that, I was growing up faster than the gril who are same age as me.
    12 years old, I am living with them.
    Eventhough they are my parents, but I never been lived with them.
    So it's very strange.
    They are still very busy.
    We can not have any conversation, because they are come back to home very late, and in that time I was already slept, when I wake up and go to school they are not wake up yet. It's influence me very much.
    I stopped study, skip the class, and I am not a good student in the class.
    When I was 14 years old, my heart disease is getting bad, I have to have an operation.
    My parents started to pay attention to me, I was really pain in that time, but also I felt about the real love from my parents, they stopped their work and stay with me all the time in the hospital.
    I was during in the hospital almost half an year, I am to be closer with my parents.
    In the other way I think, it's a good thing to have a operation.
    But they still sent me to Canada.
    I know that they want me to have a really good job in here, so I want to try my best to do everything either. But I miss them, eventhough we only stay together 3 years.
    Everyone thought I am very easygoing and active, but when they know about the past of me, they could be very silence.
    Yes, everyone has their own life, there must have something that can make you want to be hardworking.
    For me, my parents are cheer me up. Also the disease.
    Never give up after the operation, never and ever.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

China new magical song. Very funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  This is a very popular song in China now. Because we don't now what is this song talking about, she just sing it and her face look very amazing! And so many people learn this song. This guy called: expression king.Because he can make so many expression. This vedio show he is make the exaggerate of this funny song. Hope you have fun ! XD

I am the big fan of lady gaga!!!

   I am a big fan of lady gaga!!! I'm really like her because she always make some interersting style. she is very different from another singer. I really like her music because is very cool. Although lady gaga is the top fashion and so many people follow her. She is very very beautiful! She is my goddess !!!!!!!!!!!

I am a dreamer

    I always dream lots of things when every possible time. I always dream about I can have some magic, so that I can make some time to be restart, and I won't make some mistake that influence my life now, I won't do some ridiculous things that until now I'm still regret. If from begain I didn't do these mistakes my life will changed a lot. But sometimes I also think, If I can avoid all the mistakes in my life, my life will be boring. Because I have done so many mistakes so that I can be grow up. Also I always dream that I have lots of money, so that my parents don't need to very busy, and they can have more time to stay with me. So I have to work hard from now. Finally, I always dream about I am really slim girl that I can be a model. So if I have magic I can restart, I won't eat too much! If I have lots of money I can buy so many nice clothes, bags and that's not enough because I want small size!!!!!! Oh should I stop dream so many things?...XP

My All.

There are 3 important things in my life:
NO.1 My Family
  There is 4 family members in my family, my parents, me and my little sister. But in fact my sister is a dog...but she is already our family member! Because she is very important for my family.

NO.2 My Friend

  There are so many friend I have known in Canada. But my best friend is Mandy Leung, everyone know about it! I know a lot of secret from her XD. I have known about her a year already!~ I hope we can be friend forever and she is a very important person in my life.

NO.3 My Boyfriend

This is my boyfriend, his name is Jeremy, we have been together almost 14 months, We have know each other when we came to Canada. His parents likes me and also my parents likes him. I am really want to say thank you to him because he always look after me, sometimes I am really willful and I am not really gentilesse at all, but he still always be with me help me and make me happy. So I am really treasure about him.

You guys are MY ALL

I am Lily

    My name is Lily Li. I come from China and I live in the capital of China--Beijing. The interesting thing about me is I am minority nationality--manchu. My ancestor is Yong Zheng which is an emperor in 1722 B.C-1735 B.C. So in the past of time if you met me, you have to call me princess, but only in the past. Now I'm a normal student in CIC. I am really enjoy the life in Canada now, I have so many beautiful things right now, so I have to work hard and hard, try my best to do everything.

Monday, January 17, 2011

I am alive

  There is 6 things that I want to do before I die:

 1. Eat the best food in every country and every place.

 2. Have a my own coffee shop.

3. Marry with someone that who is really love me.

4. Make a lot of money for my family and my parents.

5. To be best friend with Mandy Leung forever

6. Make sure my child have a good life.