Sunday, January 23, 2011

My All.

There are 3 important things in my life:
NO.1 My Family
  There is 4 family members in my family, my parents, me and my little sister. But in fact my sister is a dog...but she is already our family member! Because she is very important for my family.

NO.2 My Friend

  There are so many friend I have known in Canada. But my best friend is Mandy Leung, everyone know about it! I know a lot of secret from her XD. I have known about her a year already!~ I hope we can be friend forever and she is a very important person in my life.

NO.3 My Boyfriend

This is my boyfriend, his name is Jeremy, we have been together almost 14 months, We have know each other when we came to Canada. His parents likes me and also my parents likes him. I am really want to say thank you to him because he always look after me, sometimes I am really willful and I am not really gentilesse at all, but he still always be with me help me and make me happy. So I am really treasure about him.

You guys are MY ALL

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